Booking your Project!

        Our main focus is to give you the best quality tattoo we can by combining your ideas and my style. Ideally, we like to work with clients who are looking for larger-scaled projects, and who are open-minded to both our vision and your ideas combined. To give you an idea of how we work as an artist, below is an outline of our process from start to finish. In addition, we are always open to answer any questions you might have.

     To start, we just need some basic information from you through email to get the process started. In the “Contact” tab is where you can send your submission form.

1.     What is your name?

2.     Are you local in the Boston area?

3.     Have we tattooed you before? If so, what did we do and could you include a picture of the previous work?

4.     What were you looking to have done?

5.     Please attach a reference picture of something similar; a few pictures would be fine.

6.     Please send a picture of the area of the body in which you want the tattoo located. I need this to get a visual of how the piece will be placed, how to design it, if I need to work around another piece, etc.


Once you have reached out via email and we go over what it is you’re looking to have done, we will have a better understanding as to how much time it will take to complete your piece. A response to your submission form is usually between 24 to 48 hours. EVERY tattoo appointment requires a deposit, This deposit locks in your spot and guarantees your day and time. All deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable. This amount will go towards the total cost of your tattoo, or last sitting of the piece if there are multiple sittings needed. Please give a 72 hour notice if you need to move your appointment to another day.  If you don’t, you will forfeit your deposit and will need to leave another deposit in order to book another sitting.  Deposits can be made in a few different ways:

1. In-person here at the studio.

2. Venmo: @sacramenttattoo (one word - look for our logo)

3. Zelle and Square are also all accepted.